And therefore, we need to understand that there is an answer, there is a key, there is no other way for God to impart his light and his flame and his energy to any one of us than by that Holy Spirit. And the name of the Holy Spirit is Love. And that Love is an energy and it is a person and it speaks in your heart and in your temple. It speaks out of that I AM THAT I AM and declares that state of being, even as the voice of God when challenged by Moses said, “I AM WHO I AM.”* And that same presence is alive within you.

And this is the teaching that we have not appropriated from the great mystics of the past. We have looked at their religious experience and we have said, “Ah! God has come to so-and-so and declared a revelation,” instead of realizing that the same God that was in Moses is within us and that that God that walked and talked with him was the very personal, living I AM Presence.

And so I would like to show you this chart of the I AM THAT I AM because it is your real and living self. And I would like you to note the upper figure in that chart. You see great spheres of energy, wheels within wheels that were seen by Ezekiel, the great prophet who lived six hundred years before Jesus Christ. He saw this light of the I AM THAT I AM and he described it as a fire infolding itself. That was not a private dispensation unique to Ezekiel. That was given for you, for now, for this moment in time and space.

You—right where you stand—right hovering above you is the angel of your Presence, a fire infolding itself, a power more stupendous than nuclear energy because it is the atom of Spirit interpenetrating the atom of Matter. And that is the energy that we must have.

And at the conclusion of Jesus’ mission he said, “All power in heaven and earth is given unto me.” It is that all-power of God that he would return to us that we might work those greater works of challenging the amalgamation of evil on a planetary scale.

I have journeyed into the jungles of Africa this very year, into Ghana and Liberia, into the most remote villages. I have sat in the mud huts with a people who have never seen even the larger cities of their own country. And there I have communed with them in the spirit of the living God, and do you know what I have found? That these people are sensitive to Almighty God, but in those very villages they have their television sets, and by satellite, they hear all of the records of crime, all the rock music, all of the advertisements that come out of the major cities of the Western nations.

There is not a corner of the globe where you can go to escape the proliferation of an energy veil. It’s the most amazing experience to sit in the middle of nowhere and see the advertisements for all of the things that contain the impurities, whether it is white sugar or cigarettes or alcohol or drugs. It’s all there! And so we see that there has been a multiplication of the misuse of energy upon this planet, almost to stifle the very opportunity of the individual to exercise his freedom, because, from the time he is barely conceived in the womb, he’s already being programmed by the decadence of what we have made of this planetary body.

Where can we go, LORD? Thou hast the Word of eternal life.

There is only one way to go, and it’s up and it’s into your own individual higher consciousness. And so you see in the center of the great spheres of light the I AM THAT I AM, the fundamental principle of your being! And when you make the connection that that being is revealing itself to you as it revealed itself to Moses, and that Moses was not some kind of a different person but was a man, as you and I are, human beings, that he had no intrinsic, extraordinary consciousness before the coming of that light. He was ordinary as we are ordinary.

It is the light that makes us extraordinary and so it made him extraordinary, and he feared to go into Egypt. He said, “The people will not hear me. They are content in their way of life. They would rather have their materialism and be slaves to a cult of death than bear the pain and the travail of giving birth to a nation in freedom.”

And the LORD God said, “I send you. I AM WHO I AM.” And that mighty flame that you see illustrated here descended into the temple of Moses, and therefore he had become a God-man, God-ordained by a living flame. And he was wont to explain our God is a consuming fire.

And what does that fire consume? It consumes the dross of the not-self and allows us to be who we really are, and there is no other way for that to be consumed than by the sacred fire. We can dive into this cult. We can go after black magic or witchcraft or Satanism or psychic experiences or Ouija boards, or all kinds of experiences in mind control or various forms of psychiatry or self-hypnosis, but there is no way that we can escape the living, tangible reality of the Real Self in this temple and the not-self that only we have created.

*See Exod. 3:1–14.

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Elizabeth Clare Prophet
I’m Stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness 
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