What Is the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness?


Elizabeth Claire Prophet played Indian bhajans like this as the start of each lecture.

Then she addressed the audience thus:

We come stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness and we bow before the light of God within you. We come to serve that light, nourish that light, accelerate that light and help you to discover the energy that is God moving as a mighty River of Life in your temple.

We’ve been giving our devotions to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva—and to the Mother flame in these songs because we understand these to be the essence of God, the indwelling life. And it is to contact that eternal light and that presence that we would come, that we would discover, that we would share with you.

I am here because of the burning of the Holy Spirit, or of Shiva, in my temple—an intensity of a love fire that is in my heart as a physical burning, as it has been for many months and many years. And finally this year it just pushed me right out of my house, right out of Camelot in Los Angeles and on the road to find the people of God who would summon the will and the energy and the courage and say, “Lo, because thou art, I AM. I will pursue until I find. I will move until I discover the great flaming energy of my life and with it I will kindle a nation, I will kindle a soul and souls, and I will forge my own God- identity.”

We’re stumping because it is the conclusion of the age of Pisces, and in this hour of Pisces we find the conclusion of two thousand years and more of mankind’s karma—karma, the cause-effect sequences that we all have set in motion as an entire lifewave, as an earth and as all people evolving upon it. We see in the writings of Eastern scripture and in Western the sign of the coming of the Son of man, the eternal light within each and every one, the sign of the coming of Lord Shiva, who comes at the end of the age to perform his cosmic dance.

And so the touch of that light and the quickening of that light is a new birth. And each strain of religion East and West speaks of that coming and that light in a different way. And I think it is high time that the people of God set aside their doctrine and dogma separating them by words and phrases and terminologies—and so this word turns off this one, and this word turns off that one, until you wonder if you can scarcely speak the name of God without offending someone when that energy, that consciousness, that life is the very stuff that we’re made of.

And if we’re going to rebel against the word that some have given to it, then let us at least not rebel against the eternal Logos, the geometry of our consciousness whereby we think and live and we move and we have our being, because that energy within us is there as a living presence, of whom Moses said to the children of Israel, “I have said, Ye are gods!”

And Moses, the one who stood on the mount, who was contacted by the original Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, saw and knew in the seed of God’s people that that God and that energy was the power by which we transcend the lesser self, the same power that the apostle Paul knew when he said, “This mortal must put on immortality and this corruptible must put on incorruption.”

What am I talking about? I am talking about the urge to be, the desire to be and the desire to realize Godhood. And that is coming upon the people of the Lord today in every nation. It is the descent of that

living Spirit and it is the impelling fire, the impelling force of Shiva that says, “I will not leave you as I have found you. I will descend into your midst and I will quicken the fire in you. And I will raise you up and I will unify you and I will show you how to defeat the adversary within your midst.”

This is the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. It begins right where you are. It begins where the individual contacts the inner light and then the explosion, then the splitting of the atom of self. And then the components of that nucleus become the fire that moves nations, that can restore not only America but every nation upon earth.

I am here because in that vision of Mount Zion I see both the greatest light that we could ever know and see and become, and the greatest darkness which is pitted against that light. And this is the burden of the prophets of Israel—to be in the Presence of the living God, to have that fiery descent of the Spirit that comes as a challenge, as a rebuke and as the law of righteousness, and then to be aware of the darkest facets of human consciousness and human nature and to be able to hold the balance in the center of the two and to say, “You can be transformed by that light.”

You know, some who have followed the path of metaphysics have said that if you reach the state of the awareness of the absolute Good, you have no awareness of Evil. But I tell you, the opening of the third eye and the understanding of the creation means that we see and behold both the correct uses of free will in the most exalted spheres of heaven as well as the absolute corruption of the souls of the people of a planetary body.

And it is in that perspective and that understanding that we also perceive that all that is maya, all that is illusion, all that is sin and karma, is also unreal. But it is real as long as we endow it with energy, as long as we invest in it our attention, our consciousness. As long as we keep feeding darkness and unreality, so we sustain it, and we sustain it by the power of God, that God who lives within us.

And therefore, Moses said, “Ye are gods!” and we are gods. We are creators in this domain. We have created this civilization. We have created our karma. And we must wake up to the records that lie right beneath the threshold of awareness and realize that we have lived continuously, even as he said, “Lo, before Abraham was, I AM.”

And the continuity of the consciousness of that soul in embodiment and in other spheres of being means that we have been continuously qualifying the energy that is light, and we have qualified it unto our own limitation, our own self-destruction and the putting down of the great light within us until, by that misqualification of energy, we have accepted a doctrine and a dogma of annihilation that says, “God is not where you are, Christ is not where you are, Mother is not where you are, Holy Spirit is not where you are.”

And if we were smart enough, we’d say, “Then what is where I am?” And we ourselves would give answer and we would say, “Lo, I AM where I AM! Lo, I AM who I AM! And because I live and I have life there is the immortal fire, there is the kindling spark, there is the energy of the Great Central Sun. And because I breathe the breath of the Spirit, lo, I will summon that breath and I will invoke it by the power of the Word that he gave to me, the great gift of the Word.

“And I will challenge deception within my government, within my nation. I will challenge the abuses of my soul. I will challenge the mechanization of this civilization. I will challenge the abuses of my children. I will challenge that pornography and, ultimately, that desecration of life itself.”

If we knew who we were, if we would tie into that moving fount of reality, we would not sit and watch a nation be destroyed, a soul be destroyed, a family, values of freedom and all that we cherish be destroyed. We would not stand by and watch on the international scene the slaughter of millions, the takeover of lives and nations by those who are not champions of freedom but of death.

I say if the people knew better they would do better. And I say unless we plant ourselves firmly upon the inner reality, we are absolutely denuded and devoid of the energy, the living flame of reality, which is the only force in a cosmos that can stand against the oncoming tide that we see entering and moving like a cancer, as conditions over which we have no control and before which our own heads of state and representatives tremble! They tremble in the face of that outer darkness because they themselves have not found the inner light though they be God-fearing.

If the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, then the love of the LORD is the entering in to that fiery light. And that intensity of love is the consuming fire that consumes all that is unlike itself.

You are a mighty people. Each and every one of you is the potential to realize that Godhood. And I say we have a decade in our hands as a freedom, as free will, as choices to make, to be or not to be in the fullness of that God-realization and to come together and to realize that words, words, words are not enough, that it is the living Word in us, united as one flaming sword Excalibur that will be the summoning of a people, ultimately to the overthrow of tyranny—tyranny that begins in the self as the lesser self that attempts to put down the reality of the living Word in us. And that tyrant, multiplied again and again, amassing money and power and wealth, we find as organized power moving against the little people. And we stand as David with our sling and we know that the shot is right in the forehead, right at the point of the misuse of the All-Seeing Eye of God, right at the point of the misuse of the third eye.

For those who are the fallen ones as the tares among the wheat, they have also discovered that inner energy. They have raised it up, they have misused it as black magic, as witchcraft, as psychic phenomena, as all sorts of variance, and they have summoned that energy. They have taken heaven by force and they have used it against the children of God. And therefore, the inescapable Armageddon comes upon us, and we would not like to look upon Armageddon. We would prefer to withdraw into our bliss of samadhi.

We can transcend these planes. What is so difficult about raising the energy and rising into a higher consciousness? And what do I say when I am there? “O LORD God Almighty, O Alpha and Omega, I bow before thy throne. I am thy living witness, but I would not tarry here in this samadhi. I would return because the people of earth are suffering. My people in America and every nation do not know thee.”

And therefore, what is the point of the attainment to other planes of consciousness to escape the karma, escape the inevitable, moving as the bodhisattva, moving as the one who says, “I have discovered the light. I will go into the cities. I will go into the ghetto. I will find the lost souls, and I will say, ‘Lo, you are a god in the making.’”

“Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the LORD. We have come together because we have one thing in common. We are seeking more light than we now have externalized. And I think we can all agree that to each and every one of us more light is the need of the hour—more light as wisdom to know the way to go, more light as love, more light as truth, as healing to impart to our fellow creatures, more understanding.


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Elizabeth Clare Prophet
I’m Stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness 
Copyright © 2020 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.


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