Elohim, the Plural Name of God

And so, the upper figure in the chart is the Father Person and that Father is the I AM THAT I AM, the Lawgiver, the great Source of life. And that Father is described in Genesis by the word Elohim.

Elohim is a Hebrew noun for God and it is a plural noun. It means more than one. And the words we find, “Let us make man after our image and likeness. And therefore, in the image and likeness created he them male and female.” And so we see that the plural nature of God is that Father, Mother—plus, minus —are always a part of the same oneness. And that which is out of the state of wholeness, or polarity, will cease to be. And we ourselves get out of that momentum of polarity and so we experience disease, disintegration, decay, and finally death within the temple, because we haven’t learned what Jesus Christ learned and that which he desired to give us.

He says in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation, “Lo, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, that which was, which is, and which is to come.” And so we understand that what he demonstrated was wholeness, was the Father-Mother God, or Alpha the Father, Omega the Mother. And it was that wholeness that transcended death, that overcame all incompleteness, that healed the sick because they were incomplete. They were incomplete because they had misused energy.

This understanding of Elohim as Alpha and Omega must be gained. We must realize that that wholeness is the presence of God where we are, and yet it is sealed, as surely as the atom of matter, of uranium, was sealed before the formula was discovered for the splitting of that atom and the release of nuclear energy.

We are not splitting the atom of our mighty I AM Presence. We’re not gaining access to that mighty Tree of Life because we have misappropriated that energy. We have lacked love. We have been disobedient to love and therefore there’s no fire rising as devotion to that light. And it takes the intense fire and devotion in our own heart to warm and heat that atom to make it open and pour down of that essence. Even as the sun warms the earth and warms the seeds, and the flowers come forth in springtime, so love is the only way that we can have delivered to us the tremendous power that we need to change our world today.

The dispensation of the coming of the person of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God is a message that has rung down the centuries for two thousand years, yet how many have understood the real meaning of that message?

John, the great mystic, records his experience in the Word. He sees the coming of Jesus Christ not in the recording of genealogies, not in the listing of the descendants from David or from Abraham, but he is saying, “In the beginning was the Word.” And he understands the origin of Jesus Christ and of every son and daughter of God to be that Word, not the product of human evolution.

And he says, “In the beginning was that Word.” What is that Word? It’s the same “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.” It’s the same God consciousness that you are. And in the beginning of your soul’s evolution, out of God, out of Spirit, into time and space, there was that Word and had there not been that Word you would not be, because it says, “Without that Word was not anything made that was made.”

He goes through that entire description of the creation of the evolution of God. And then he says, “The light of that Word shone in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.” And we understand that none of us can understand God as mere energy.

We’ve looked at the sun for millions of years. We still don’t understand the sun in the heavens. But then, John says, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And then we beheld his glory, his energy, as of the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth”—“as of,” as coming from, as originating in the Word.*

So when that light and that consciousness and that being becomes a person in flesh and blood, then we understand the meaning of it, just as we do not understand love until we give and receive love, as we do not understand truth and integrity until we experience that in friendship or the violation of truth as self- deception. And therefore the understanding of God comes in interaction with parts of God, which we are.

*See John 1:1–14.

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Elizabeth Clare Prophet
I’m Stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness 
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